Christmas in the New World — the roots of American music at its most moving and pure
Live, Bavarian National Museum, Munich
A Fresh Look at American Christmas Traditions
In the 19th century, the "Singing Schools" flourished in the United States. This resulted in a special tradition: ordinary people created unusual music. All you have to do is listen to the pieces by Jeremiah Ingalls, William Billings, Major B.F. White and William Walker, which are documented in the wonderful collections "The Sacred Harp" and "The Southern Harmony". The music sounds archaic, often with the melody in the tenor - as in the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance. A refreshing contrast to the Central European Christmas spirit!
Performers: Michaela Riener — soprano / Kamila Mazalová — alto / Timothy Leigh Evans — tenor, percussion / Joel Frederiksen — bass, guitar, lute / Marion Treupel-Franck — flute / Domen Marinčič — cello / Michal Gondko — guitar