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Un niño nos es naçido / München

  • St. Matthäus-Kirche 1 Nußbaumstraße München, BY, 80336 Germany (map)

Spanish Christmas - Canciones de Navidad

Un niño nos es naçido - A Child for us is born - From Spain to the New World

Ensemble Phoenix Munich invites you on a musical voyage leading from Spain to Latin America. Under the direction of bass singer and vihuela player Joel Frederiksen, Christmas motets, instrumental works, and “Ensaladas”, a special form mixing textures and even languages in a sort of musical “salad”, come to vivid life.

Important sources for this program are four different “Cancioneros” or songbooks which contain compositions from two great Spanish composers of the Renaissance, Tomás Luis de Victoria (O magnum mysterium) and Francisco Guerrero (Los Reyes siguen l´Estrella). Works from Colombian composer José de Cascante (Oiga niño mio de mi corazón), active at the Cathedral of Bogotá in the 17th century, and of Gaspar Fernandez (Vaya la princesa, vaya) – a Portugese composer who worked in Guatemala und Mexiko – usher us safely into the New World.

Performers: Maria Andrea Parias — soprano | Kamila Mazalová— mezzosoprano | Colin Balzer — tenor | Sven Schwannberger — vihuela, flute | Louis Capeille – spanish harp | Domen Marinčič — viola da gamba | Bruno Caillat — percussion | Joel Frederiksen — bass, vihuela, direction

This concert is part of our 20th Anniversary Series: Between Mars and Venus XV!

foto: Carlos Otero
Link to the CD

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